Walk the Arts Offers Unique Art Workshops And The Top Art Experience You Deserve
Painting Workshops | Art History Tours | Online Art ClassesART WORKSHOPS AND PAINTING RETREATS
Our top art classes and painting workshops in Italy, France, Spain and South America offered since 1997 are open to artists of all levels, from beginners to advanced and to all media (oils, acrylics, watercolors, etc.). We offer a unique combination of plein air painting, stimulating art history/theory lectures, group discussions, touring and gourmet cuisine within beautiful locations. They are the perfect art holidays!
Walk the Arts offers art history tours in Italy, France and Spain as well as art trips in New York City. Our programs are open to everyone, from art students of all levels to life long learners wishing to live a meaningful experience. We provide a unique blend of art history classes, discovery walks, top art museum visits, culture and local life.

Studio Italia
June & October 2025
A unique art retreat in Italy. Nine full days of plein air landscape painting, art history/theory lectures, touring and gourmet meals in the most beautiful area of Tuscany

Atelier Provence
June 2025
And Barcelona Modern Art Tour… seven days of plein air painting and gourmet cuisine in Provence followed by four days visiting top art museums and sites in Barcelona. The best art vacation in France and Spain.

Colombia Art & Eat
February 2025
The perfect winter escape holiday in South America. Eight full days learning the fundamentals of watercolors and perspective drawing and tasting the best of Colombian Coastal food and culture.

New York Art Trip
March 2025
A four-day art trip devoted to top art museums and contemporary art galleries in New York City.

Venice & Istabul Biennials
October 2026
Nine days devoted to contemporary art at its best! Four days in Venice and flight to Istabul for 5 days.

Online Art Classes
Winter 2025
Virtual painting and perspective drawing art classes offered via Zoom. A unique dynamic mix of theory, practice, and discussions that will help you take your art to the next level.
Since 1997 Walk the Arts (icscis inc.) has been offering top quality painting workshops, art classes, and art history tours in Italy, France, Colombia, Spain, and the United States.
© 2021 Walk the Arts
Walk the Arts
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Online classes
Our Main Workshops
Studio Italia (Tuscany, Italy)
Atelier Provence (France)
Colombia ART & EAT (Caribbean)
Call Us
(800) 611-4789 (EST from North America)
(819) 457-1892 (from the World)